Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
This was recently the verse of the day at It’s a
favorite verse for many, and I’ve written about it more than once, but writing
about it after yesterday’s discussion of fear seems to me to be supremely
appropriate. In yesterday’s post, I noted that having a fear involves being
afraid even when one does not see anything of which to be afraid. One’s life is
at least influenced, if not dominated, by the possibility that the thing feared
will appear or occur. And by definition, the thing feared is negative. One does
not generally fear something one wants to happen. In other words, now fear is
the certainty of things hoped against, a proof of things not seen and not
Fear and faith are two sides of the same coin. Like the archetypical
pessimist, the one who fears sees the glass as half-empty (which is a negative
thing), while the one with faith sees it, like the optimist, as half-full
(which is a positive thing.)
When you fear, you are separated from God. You make the thing feared or
the fear itself your god. You may, in fact, demonize God either because He
brings these things into your life, or He doesn’t protect you from them. When
you have faith, you connect with God because you look to Him as your Provider.
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