Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)
seen memes on social media in which someone says, in effect, that if you don’t
answer their text within 30 seconds, there’s something wrong with you, you’re
being rude, and you must not care for the person who texted. And I’m not
talking about an urgent text, like, “The appointment ended early, can you pick
me up?” It’s more like, “Good morning, did you sleep well?” Polite perhaps, but
it’s not something that needs an immediate answer other than to gratify the ego
of the person who sent it.
I consider my prayers this morning: Lord, touch my life, heal my brokenness,
guide me, teach me, speak to me, conform me to the image of Your Son… They’re
all great Sunday School prayers. I mean them all, but when I finish circling
the part of the park where Grace is allowed, and nothing miraculous has
happened, and I’ve had no major revelation, I get going on my day, and the next
thing you know, it’s lunchtime, dinnertime, or bedtime and I have been getting things
done but not actively thinking about God or His answering my prayers. In a way,
I’m “past” them, no longer looking for an answer because it didn’t happen
within that half hour.
God could respond to our texts in the 30 seconds that might be said to be “immediately,”
but He made Abram wait decades for a child. Moses spent 40 years as a shepherd
before returning to Egypt to free his people, and another 40 years to come as
close to completing the journey as he was permitted. Joseph spent years in
prison. In Hebrews 11, it says that those who never gave up hoping for what they didn’t see even though
they never saw it are people of whom the earth is not worthy.
when God tells Jeremiah and/or the
Israelites to call to Him, and He will answer and tell great and mighty things they
don’t know, how long would it have been reasonable of them to wait to hear
those great and mighty things? How long should we be willing to wait with hope
for the answer? Ultimately, the answer should be that we are willing to wait
forever, or that we should wait as long as it takes, but some of us are more
time oriented and sometimes, even ridiculous numbers help us put it into perspective.
If half a minute might count as “immediate” when dealing with a text message,
then it comes to an “immediate” response in terms of a day, that would be
roughly 12 hours. If we are thinking in terms of this week, “immediate” would
be 3.5 days. If we’re thinking in terms of a lifetime, immediate might be said
to be 40 to 50 years. And if we think in terms of eternity, immediate might be
said to be thousands of years.
point here isn’t to give legal boundaries by which God must act. It’s to
broaden our own thinking. As we pray for good, big things, we should keep in
mind that just as God is aware of our experience of time (having experienced
it), we should be more aware of His broader view. It’s not entirely timeless,
but His “immediate” may not be ours.
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