Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (I Corinthians 13:6)
Let’s start with the
quick reminder of the “read it in front of a mirror” exercise.
At the
heart of today’s verse is one issue that can be said in two ways. It’s evil v
good and lie/deception v truth. Which will we choose as our cause for
celebration? We’d like the choice to be simple and obvious. White hat v black
hat, or (better yet) everything I delight or rejoice in being good and true,
and everything I don’t like being evil and a lie.
As we
consider love in connection with good and evil or lies and the truth, we face a
dilemma. How do we discern what is good and true and what is evil and
deceitful? Do we focus on private or public good? Who gets to decide what is
good and true? Today, on the one hand, we’re being told by some that each individual
has the right to dictate how others must perceive them and what is right and
true. This doesn’t tend to be universal because while some may impose on
others, others may not be granted that power. On the other hand, we’re told
that what the collective, or “the people” say must be good and true. But those
are both roads to chaos. For the next 30 seconds, I or society may hold one
opinion about good and true, and then society or I may change our minds for
some reason. What was considered good and true ten years ago is now considered
evil and false. But why should we change our minds about it? Ten years from
now, it may all reverse again. And while some of us will be happy about that,
it will remain unstable as long as our opinions, whether as individuals or a
collective, dictate what is good or evil.
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