Yet this I call to mind and therefore
I have hope: Because of the LORD'S great
love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every
morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will
wait for him." (Lamentations 3:21)
night's word of the day was "promise." As I thought about it, I
decided that I need to do a lot more thinking about it. One of the ideas that
has come to mind is that a promise is a key to hope. Today's passage is about promises
and hope. The Lord has promised Himself to us. He is our portion. We can wait
for Him because it is in the waiting that hope grows. Every moment brings us a
moment nearer to our receiving something of Him. His love will get us there.
His compassions never fail. Not just a compassion - a plurality of compassions.
We are lavished with compassion. His faithfulness is not just sufficient, it is
internal picture of God is that He is disappointed. I fail so often. Tonight,
however, I am wondering whether perhaps God is so intent on faithfully fulfilling
His promises, so enjoying giving us hope, lavishing us with compassion - in
short, so involved in being who and what He is, that my failures really aren't
His focus. It's not that they aren't important. They are. But while I sit and
brood over my present crop of failures, He is waiting with His solution, His
love, His compassion, and His faithfulness. While I hold on to me, He's waiting
for me to accept Him. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Birthday of
Ralph W. Emerson
John Raleigh Mott (YMCA)
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