Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)
never do well to try to describe the Trinity. Every illustration fall apart. I'm
reluctant to make the attempt, but these verses suggest something that might
help us understand a little, with the help of something I learned from reading
one of Dallas Willard's books. On page 38 of Renovation of the Heart, he
has an illustration of concentric circles, with the spirit being the inner most
circle, then mind (feeling and thought), body, and social interactions, with
soul being the outer most ring. The soul is the whole person. We are more than
any one of those rings, we are all of them together at one time.
when God commanded that we love Him with all our heart, with all our soul and
with all our strength, He is commanding us to love Him not in three separate
ways, but in one, with our entire self. There are times when it seems as if we
are divided into parts. That is one of the effects sin has on us, but we are
still a single entity. The body is not the heart (among the ancients, the heart
was the will) but the body is no less (and no more) us than the will is. In our
activities in life, each "part" plays some role. Sometimes we
distinguish among them because it helps us understand or describe our
experience but that doesn't mean the distinction is real.
become most like God when we not only live in right relation to Him (loving
Him) but when we do so as a unified entity that is simultaneously diverse.
Birthday of
Niccolo Machiavelli
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