The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119:130)
Ambiguity. the quality
of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness:
Today’s passage is a wonderful example of ambiguity. What does the
unfolding of your words mean? Who is doing the unfolding?
One way to consider it is that the unfolding is done by us as we open
the book we call the Bible and study what was says. Another way to consider it
is as God making more and more of His plan clear to us. His plan unfolds
through history. And the really cool thing is that both ways we can look at it
are equally true and equally valuable.
The second interesting thing in this verse is what it doesn’t do. It
doesn’t claim to give knowledge. It claims to give light. As C.S. Lewis points
out, the key thing about light is not that we see it, but that it is by the
light that we see everything else. The unfolding of God’s words gives us the light
needed to see everything else clearly. But we have to unfold it. That means we
have to handle it, regularly and often because all too often, we can find ourselves
with a total eclipse of the heart, mind, and soul.
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