When he had called together all
the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the
Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is
what the prophet has written: “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are
by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler
who will shepherd my people Israel.’” (Matthew 2:4-6)
Bible.com was especially
cooperative this morning, giving us another passage that explores a reason that
He came. He came to be a ruler and shepherd of Israel. When I think of rulers
now, I have to think of something King Esherick said in Earth Fire: “I told you that if I had to be king, that I wasn’t going to pretend to be
in control.” I don’t think
Jesus came here to pretend to be in control but in reality, let us go on our
merry way to do whatever we want (until or unless what we want is what He
wants, too. That’s my goal.)
In America, we
don’t tend to think in positive terms about rulers, unless those rulers are
doing what we want them to. That’s a big problem over the past two
administrations. Mr. Obama didn’t do what Conservatives wanted him to, so they were
less than cordial toward him. Mr. Trump isn’t doing what Liberals want him to,
so they are even less cordial toward him.
I’ve heard the
same thing about God, the Father, and God, the Son. People say, “I could never believe
in or worship a god who ___________.”
And to that,
both the Father and the Son say, “OK, but I am a God who __________, and to
spend eternity with Us, you must bow to Us as God.”
We have two
options. We can either accept His rule or reject it. If we reject it we cannot
expect to receive the benefits thereof. If we claim to accept the benefits but
reject the rulership, we are committing treason. We all do this on a daily
basis, sometimes in tiny ways that we don’t even notice; sometimes in bigger
ways and with more conscious will. We like to think our treasons are petty, and
beneath His notice, or that we are the reasonable ones – but either God is God,
or we are. It can’t be both.
Right now, I’m
struggling with this, because I want God to be God. I’m almost desperate for
God to be God, but there’s a petty tyrant in my bowels (emotions) that wants to
dictate reality. I’m so glad He came as a ruler.
Lord, rule over and shepherd those parts of us that want to
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