For you have been born again, not of
perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word
of God. For,
“All people are like
grass, and all their glory
is like the flowers of
the field;
the grass withers and
the flowers fall,
but the word of the
Lord endures forever.”
And this is
the word that was preached to you. (I Peter 1:23-25)
of the Eastern religions teach reincarnation. The idea is that when you die if
you weren’t perfect, you are reborn and get another try. Of course, you aren’t
given sufficient memory of your past lives to know what you did right or wrong.
You might even have been an animal in that past life, so this one as a person
might show that you did a pretty good job as that animal, but is what passes
for a “pretty good job” as that animal be the same as what is expected of you as
a person? Whether you’re a person or an animal, unless you reach perfection
during a lifetime, when you die, you’ll be reborn to die again. If you do reach
perfection, supposedly you are subsumed into God, and effectively cease to
exist. The reward of perfection is extinction as a person.
doesn’t teach such a thing. When you are born again, it isn’t a physical
rebirth, you’re not trapped in an endless cycle of failure. What’s more, you
don’t have to wait to die to be reborn, which means you can learn from the
mistakes you made along the way.
people talk about it not being fair that we only get one chance, one life in
which to get it “right.” I disagree. I think it’s unfair to steal what we
learned in one life and then throw us into a series of lives. It steals from us
the chance for imperishable seed.
I don’t know enough about seeds. I just planted some Garlic Chives seeds today
and I plan to plant some echinacea seeds tomorrow. There are two things I know.
Either they will grow, or they won’t grow, and what grows from Garlic Chive
seeds must be Garlic Chives. Another seed might get into the soil and grow, but
the plant that grows from that seed won’t be Garlic Chives.
why it does no good for us to have seeds less than the imperishable Seed,
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