Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that
by it you may grow up in your salvation, now
that you have tasted that the Lord is good. (I Peter 2:2-3)
to studies, babies should eat every 1.5 to 4 hours – never longer than 4 hours
(but according to experienced mothers, you never wake a baby just to feed it.)
Experts also say that babies have to try something 12 to 30 times before they
can truly decide whether or not they like them. This suggests that if we’re to
be like newborn babies, if we are to grow up in our salvation, we need to feed
from Scripture often – as often as 6 to 10 times per day, and we are to
continue to do so even if we don’t think we like this stuff on which we are spiritually
been trying to learn how to eat more healthfully this summer. I have to admit,
I’ve taken notes more than I’ve learned. I need to go back to the notes and
apply them. Among the things I’ve learned is that I should be eating broccoli,
spinach, and berries at least 3 times per week, each. I’ve also learned that adding
fennel seeds to my diet would be a good thing. I’m working on it. Experts also
say that we should exercise for an hour per day, including aerobic,
weight-bearing, and stretching. We should drink 6 to 8 eight-ounce glasses of
water per day. Physical health isn’t convenient, but I know from experience
that being in decent physical condition makes much of life so much better.
where do we get the idea that we can ignore our spiritual health – our spiritual
diet, exercise, etc. should not be similar. Why would emotional health, financial
health, relational health – any sort of health not require good, pure, healthy
input, exercise, and rest? And one of the things we need to avoid in all of our
healthful eating is junk food. That’s stuff that “tastes” good but has little
to negative nutritive value. We’re told to read the labels, to find out what is
really in the food we eat. We should compare this food with that food and pick
the one that is better for us. That’s not necessarily fun, but when we do that
with the spiritual food that is available to us, the Bible always turns out to
be the healthiest food out there unless someone messes with it, removing things
or adding to it.
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