I found this prayer in David Jeremiah's Forward. It was written by Catherine Marshall. It seems to me to be something that needs to be shared, without commentary.
Father, once - it seems long ago now - I had such big dreams, so much anticipation of the future. Now no shimmering horizon beckons me; my days are lackluster. I see so little of lasting value in the daily round. Where is Your plan for my life, Father?
You have told us that without vision, we men perish. So Father in HEaven, knowing that I can ask in confidence what is Your expressed will to give me, I ask You to deposit in my mind and heart the particular dream, the special vision You have for my life.
And along with the dream, will You give me whatever graces, patience, and stamina it takes to see the dream through to fruition? I sense that this may involve adventures I have not bargained for. But I want to trust You enough to follow even if You lead along new paths. I admit to liking some of my ruts. But I know that habits that seem like cozy nests from the inside, from Your vantage point may be prison cells. Lord, if you have to break down any prisons of mine before I can see the stars and catch the vision, then Lord, begin the process now. In joyous expectation, Amen.
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